The journal features the following sections:
- Field reports (preferably for several seasons)
- Studies
- Brief reports (announcing significant discoveries)
- Field surveys
- Restitutio (publishing old archaeological collections and manuscripts)
- Book reviews, notes, discussions
General recommendations:
- Please use Calibri font, size 16, single‐spaced, size 16 for the title, size 10 for the text, and size 8 for abstracts,
keywords, footnotes and references. - Please send the text as .doc or .docx file, size A4.
- Illustration should be sent in separate files, not included in the text file or as PDF.
- Every paper should have an abstract and a list of keywords in English, as well as in a second language (the language
of the paper or at the choice of the author). - Authors are asked to mention their institutional affiliation and the email address.
- Name of the author, year, page (Harhoiu 2008, p. 65).
In case of two or more works of the same author published in the same year, they should be marked with small letters
(Petolescu 2001a; Petolescu 2001b).
For three or more authors, after the name of the first author should be added et alii. - We suggest the use of the abbreviations as listed in previous issues of Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, serie nouă.
In the case of an abbreviation not in the list mentioned above, it should be included in the abbreviation list at the end
of the article, separate from the reference list.
- Book:
Adam 1994 – J. P. Adam, Roman Building: Materials and Techniques, London, 1994. - Book in a series:
Sarnowski 1988 – T. Sarnowski, Wojsko rzymskie w Mezji Dolnej i na północnym wybrzeżu Morza Czarnego,
Novaensia 3, Warszawa, 1988. - Paper in an edited book:
Alston 2002 – R. Alston, Managing the frontiers. Supplying the frontier troops in the sixth and seventh centuries,
in: P. Erdkamp (ed.), The Roman Army and the Economy, Amsterdam, 2002, p. 398–419. - Paper in an edited book, part of a series:
Kolendo 2008 – J. Kolendo, Novae during the Goth raid of AD 250/1 (Iordanes, Getica 101‐103), in: T. Derda, P.
Dyczek, J. Kolendo (eds.), A Companion to the Study of Novae, Novae. Legionary Fortress and Late Antique Town
1, Warsaw, 2008, p. 117–131. - Journal paper:
Alexandrescu, Eftimie 1959 – P. Alexandrescu, V. Eftimie, Tombes thraces d’époque archaïque dans la nécropole
tumulaire d’Histria, Dacia NS 3, 1959, p. 143–64. - In the case of a work with three or more authors, the reference in the list should include all their names:
Pasquinucci et alii 2005 – M. Pasquinucci, A. del Rio, S. Menchelli, G. Picchi, Dinamiche commerciali nel Tirreno
settentrionale nell’età tardo‐antica, RCRFActa 39, 2005, p. 119–125.
- Every figure should be referred to as (Fig. 1, Graphic 1, Table 1) in the text.
- The list of figure captions should be included at the end of the text, in the language of the paper and in English.
- The illustration can be designed both as one‐page plates, and as smaller figures that can be included in the text.
- Effective page size is 24 × 17 cm, and the width of a Coolum is 8.25 cm. The authors are asked to consider these
dimensions when designing the illustration, and also to leave space for the bilingual explanation for each figure. - The text included in the illustration (numbering of components of a plate, place names on a map designed by the
author, etc.) should be with Calibri font, size 8. - Illustration should be sent as .TIFF, at minimum 300 dpi resolution, as well as in Corel draw format (.cdr).
- Graphics should be included in the text and also sent in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx).
- Tables must be sent in .doc or .docx format and also as .pdf.
- The right to publish a copyrighted image is controlled by the copyright owner, so each copyrighted image that you use must have permission or fall within an exception to the general copyright statue, such as public domain, fair use, or open access.