Peer review

Manuscript submission and peer review process

The review of manuscripts submitted to Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice (Serie Nouă) will follow the procedure described below:

The paper should be submitted electronically in a single archived folder (.zip or .rar) which contains:

·        A signed copy of the Ethics and Malpractice Statement (.pdf of .jpeg)

·        The manuscript, illustration, list of figures according to Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice submission guidelines

·        Relevant details of the corresponding author (name, affiliation, phone number, corresponding address)

The paper should be sent to Editor in Chief, who will decide if the submitted paper fits with the profile of the journal.

In case of preliminary acceptance, the three handling editors will appoint two reviewers from the Editorial Board/Advisory Committee or external. The reviewers will have a high level of expertise in the topic covered by the article.

The review process will last no more than a month. It will cover the following aspects:

·        Originality and innovativeness

·        Scientific quality

·        Results and their scientific relevanceDepending on reviewer’s comments, the Editorial Board will decide the publication on the manuscript in the submitted form, publication with corrections or the rejection of the manuscript from publication.

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