
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Editorial Board Responsibilities

1.      The Editorial Board must keep information pertaining to submitted manuscripts confidential.

2.      The Editorial Board must disclose any conflicts of interest.

3.      The Editorial Board must evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, with no regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors.

4.      The Editorial Board is responsible for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts.

5.      The Editorial Board will review suspected incidents of plagiarism according to the COPE Code of Conduct

Author responsibilities

1.      Authors must state that their manuscripts are their original work and that they did not plagiarize (see COPE discussion on plagiarism).

2.      Authors must declare that their manuscript has not been published before and it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.

3.      Authors must certify that all the relevant permissions were obtained.

4.      Authors must report any conflicts of interest.

5.      Authors must mention all sources of funding.

6.      Authors must mention all sources used in the creation of their manuscript.

7.      Authors must report any error they discover in their manuscript.

Reviewer Responsibilities

1.      Reviewers will carry out the review process according to the single-blind method and following the criteria mentioned in the review form.

2.      Reviewers must notify the Editorial Board of Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice of any conflicts of interest.

3.      Reviewers must keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential.

4.      Reviewers must bring to the attention of the Editorial Board any information that may be reason to reject the publication of a manuscript.

5.      Reviewers must evaluate a manuscript only for its intellectual content, with no regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors.

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